Mission And Vision
SATHI’s cherished mission is that of integrated rural development through people centered sustainable action ensuring an overall self-reliance among the down trodden and women.
Approach and Objectives
SATHIs foremost work approach is to execute/implement organizations own need based programs to sustain livelihood among rural communities. Besides, SATHI is always ready to joins hands with the government in implementing any programmes mean for socio-economic development of rural community. Major objectives behind different projects/programmes run by SATHI are as under:
1. Promote all aspects of social work.
2. Promoting women empowerment and make them self reliant.
3. Believe in adopting an integrated approach to solve the problems of rural populace.
4. Undertake research activities for the verifications of existing technology.
5. Believe in dissemination of acquired knowledge and technology.
6. Promote consciousness and self reliance through awareness thereby helping to reduce the much prevalent exploitation.
7. Believe in promotion of equal opportunities to all and therefore primarily work through local Womens groups {SHGs}.
Nature of Work
SATHI promotes sustainable livelihoods through combining indigenous knowledge and innovative technologies for cost effective natural resource management. Towards this objective, SATHI works with local Self Help Groups- SHGs & VLIs by generating farming alternatives, enriching the knowledge base, training, demonstrations, linking with development agencies and sharing experience. To build up the capacities of SHGs/UGs, SATHI regularly under takes various training programme, organizes awareness camps, seminars and Refresher courses to SHGs/UGs.
Dissemination of information on advance and eco-friendly technology is major initiative of SATHI for self-reliance of SHGs/UGs and thus SATHI had undertaken various training and Demonstration programme with SHGs/UGs on rural technology i.e. Rain water harvesting from roof tops for drinking purposes, Rain water harvesting through Polylined technology for irrigation purposes, Mushroom and Vegetable cultivation through organic farming, Lantana utilization, seedling raising, Women empowerment, Health and sanitation, environment conservation, watershed management, Improved Crematoriums, NRM, WATSAN, Water Purification through affordable water filters, Mountain livelihood promotion through farm and non farm activities, SRI & SWI, school infrastructure development etc.