Improved Packages Of Vegetable & Crop Cultivation
SATHI have promoted the new and innovative technique of Paddy cultivation (SRI) and improved package of crop cultivation (through SCI) among local community. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a methodology aimed at increasing the yield of rice produced in farming. SATHI had conducted practical demonstration of SRI with 320 farmers and total 12.8 ha land was covered under it.

In the recent past, the successful SRI practices are being extrapolated to other crops in the name of System of Crop Intensification (SCI). Major objective of the same is to enhance food and livelihood security among rural population through adoption of the improved package of crop and vegetable cultivation. SATHI organized awareness & training camps with local farmers and motivated them for adoption of the improved package of crop and vegetable cultivation. During organization of training programmes, SATHI also invites external resource person & agricultural experts from KVK ( Krishi Vigyan Kendra ) who provide professional guidance to farmers & share their knowledge & experience with them. Through audio visual aids & practical demonstration, SATHI informed & trained local farmers about various aspects of vegetable & crop cultivation such as seed treatment, preparation of nursery bed, nursery raising, transportation and planting of sapling, mulching, watering, use of marker and weeder& organic manure/ vermi compost, crop cutting and storage etc.
Adoption of SCI practices enhance the productivity and reduce the gap between per capita availability and consumption; and in turn contribute to nutritional security. Organization is also conducting field demonstration on improved package of crop and vegetable cultivation (through SCI techniques) with local farmers and they are getting better yield.