SATHI (Social Awareness Through Human Involvement ) organisation is spreading its role model of water and soil conservation in state and national level through imparting the training to Village Level Institutions (VLIs),Self Help Groups (SHGs), User Groups (UGs), Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), NGOs and various Government Departments. Till date SATHI has trained more than 2000 persons on promotion of rural livelihood through NRM (Natural Resource Management) and approximately 70-80 Exposure teams leading by high dignitaries from National and International level has been visited to SATHI.

- Sh.R.D.Dhiman,Secretary-RD & PRIs Govt. of H.P.
- Mr. Arun Pandhi, Chief development Manager, SRTT (Sir Ratan Tata Trust), Mumbai.
- Mr Rohan Thakur (IAS), Asst. Commissioner-Development, Pachhad, Distt Sirmaur(HP)
- Mr Ravinder Sharma, Dy. Director-DRDA Nahan, Distt Sirmaur (HP)
- Mr. Surender Kumar Director NRO, Ministry of Environment, & Forest, GOI.
- Senior level officials (39 delegates) from IIPA (Indian Institute of Public Administration) New Delhi, INDIA.
- Mr. Vinod Kothari (Dy. Dev. Manager-SRTT), Himmothan Society, Dehradun (UK).
- Mr. R.K.Bajaj (Project Manager), ENV Developmental Assistance Systems ( India) Pvt. Ltd. Lucknow.
- Dr.R.P.Sharma (WDC) from Mid-Himalayas project of H P Government) with 20 forest officers.
- Dr.Silanath Bastkoti (Deputy Secretary) from Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation Government of Nepal with 20 forest officers.
- Mr.Guman Singh (Coordinator) from Sankalp NGOs of Rajasthan with 20staff.
- Dr.A.Rajada(Pr.Scientist Forestry) , Er. Arya (Sr.Training Officer Engg.)CSWCRTI (Govt.of India) Dehradun.
- Prof.Norman Uphoff USA.
- Dr.B.I Majumdar (Sr.Agronomist) Department of Agriculture, Govt.of Tripura.
- Prof.N.G.Shah (CTARA) IIT Bombay.
- Er.Arun Tyagi (M.Tech.RD) IIT Bombay.
- Dr.GM Lingaraju(Sr.Scientist) DBT, Govt.of India,New Delhi.
- Sh.Vinay Tandon(PCCF) Deparment of Forest, Govt.of Himachal Pradesh.
- Shivani Kumar & Mr. Mike P. Lipman from SAPWII, USA.
- Seema Chodhary (Deputy Features Editor), Hindustan Times Media Limited, New Delhi (INDIA) .
- Delegates (39 officials) from IIPA (Indian Institute of Public Administration) New Delhi (INDIA).
- Sh. Lalit Mohan Sharma, Director-Adaptive Technologies, Sehgal Foundation, Gurgaon (India)
- Karina Ollerich (Vice-President-Project Rishi) along with 05 team members UC Berekely (USA) •
- Mr. Subhendu Dash, Manager, (along with 2 representatives), ITC Limited.
- Sh. V.N. Negi (Scientist) with other senior official form Central Ground Water Board, Northern region office Dharamshala (HP) .
- Dr Pankaj Mittal, Dr.Sukhdev Paliyal and Dr Manoj Gupta (Agriculture Scientist), KVK Dhaula Kuan, Sirmaur HP.